Our Parishes

Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend David Perryman |
Church Address | 24-26 McFarlane Street, Stratford 3862 |
Postal Address | PO Box 139, Stratford 3862 |
Mobile | 0401 035 379 |
davidjrperryman@gmail.com | |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Trinity Treasures’, Tyers Road, Stratford 3862. Bev - (0400045646) Denise - (0417100047) |
Website | http://anglicanavon.org.au/ (under construction) |
Holy Trinity, Stratford (24-26 McFarlane St) – All Saints, Briagolong (Church St) – St Mary’s, Munro (Main Road)... read more

Rector | The Reverend Paul Woodcock |
Church Address | Cnr Francis and Service Streets, Bairnsdale, 3875 |
Postal Address | PO Box 667, Bairnsdale 3875 |
Phone | (03) 5152 3133 |
Mobile | 0466 053 921 |
revpaulwoodcock@gmail.com | |
Office Administrator | Jeni Reed - (03) 5152 3133 |
Office Email | stjohns.b@bigpond.com |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Johnnos’, Francis Street, Bairnsdale 3875. (03) 5153 1088 |
St John, Bairnsdale (Service St)... read more

Bass / Phillip Island
Rector | The Reverend Ruth Hanlon |
Church Address | 104-110 Thompson Ave, Cowes 3922 |
Postal Address | PO Box 324, Cowes 3922 |
Mobile | 0401 637 071 |
bpi.ministry@gippslandanglicans.org.au | |
Website | https://anglicanparishbassphillipisland.org/ |
St Paul’s, Bass (1 Hade Ave) – St Philip’s, Cowes (104-110 Thompson Ave) – St Augustine’s, San Remo (111 Marine Parade)... read more

Bunyip (Episcopal District)
Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Christine Angus |
Church Address | 16 A’Beckett Rd, Bunyip 3815 |
Phone | 0409 217 321 |
christineangus@icloud.com | |
Associate Priest | The Reverend Ken Parker |
Phone | (03) 5644 3388 |
anglicanbunyip@dcsi.net.au | |
Office Administrator | Raelene Carroll - (03) 9793 2215 |
St Thomas, Bunyip (16 A’Beckett Rd) (BIC Decision 1003/11 with effect from 1/11/2011)... read more

Churchill/Boolarra/Yinnar/Yinnar South
Minister | Mrs. Cathie Halliwell (Uniting Church Supply Pastor) |
Church Address | Cnr McDonald Way & Williams Avenue, Churchill 3842 |
Postal Address | PO Box 179, Churchill 3842 |
Phone | (03) 5122 1480 |
Mobile | 0428 223 094 |
Associate Priest | The Reverend Bec Hayman |
Phone | 0467 023 363 |
becca_mike@yahoo.com |
Co-operating Churches, Churchill – (Cnr McDonald Way & Williams Avenue), Christ Church, Boolarra – (19-21 Tarwin St) – Uniting Church, Yinnar, (Main St) - Holy Innocents Anglican Church, Yinnar Sout…... read more

Corner Inlet
Rector | The Reverend Dr Canon Fran Grimes |
Church Address | 36 Station Road, Foster 3960 |
Postal Address | PO Box 147, Foster 3960 |
Mobile | 0435 727 089 |
c.i.rectory@gmail.com | |
Opportunity Shop | Stanley Street, Toora 3962 |
ChristChurch, Foster (Station St) - Transfiguration, Hedley - Fish Creek Union Church, – St Thomas Outreach Centre , Toora... read more

Priest in Charge | The Reverend Jude Benton |
Church Address | Allan Drive, Mallacoota 3892 |
Postal Address | PO Box 295, Mallacoota 3892 |
Mobile | 0411 016 470 |
revjudebenton@outlook.com |
Co-operating Parish St John, CannRiver (Princes Highway) – St Peter, Mallacoota... read more

Rector (click to email) | The Reverend John Webster |
Phone | (03) 5625 4121 |
Mobile | 0448 499 093 |
rector@anglicanparishdrouin.org.au | |
Office Administrator | Wendy Sheils - (03) 5625 4121 |
Office Email | office@anglicanparishdrouin.org.au |
Website | http://anglicanparishdrouin.org.au |
Social Media | Parish Facebook |
Parish Address | 128-132 Princes Way, Drouin 3818 |
Postal Address | PO Box 392, Drouin 3818 |
Opportunity Shop and website | Shop 3/57 Commercial Place, Drouin 3818 |
Opportunity Shop Social Media | Op Shop Facebook |
Christ Church, Drouin (128-132 Princes Way) St James, Jindivick (Jackson’s Track) ... read more

Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Judith Lake |
Church Address | Cnr Temple & Harbeck Streets, Heyfield 3858 |
Postal Address | PO Box 27, Heyfield 3858 |
Phone | (03) 5148 2665 |
Mobile | 0432 321 471 |
judith_lake@outlook.com | |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Twice Blest’ 41 Temple Street, Heyfield 3858 |
St James, Heyfield (Cnr Temple & Harbeck Streets) – St Matthew, Tinamba (Tinamba Seaton Rd)... read more

Korumburra & Poowong
Locum | The Reverend David Atkinson |
Church Address | 3 Queen Street, Korumburra 3950 |
Postal Address | PO Box 421, Korumburra 3950 |
Phone | (03) 5655 1007 |
Mobile | 0437 647 406 |
davidatkinson513@gmail.com | |
Opportunity Shop | The Mine Rd Op Shop, 15a & 15b Mine Rd, Korumburra |
St Paul, Korumburra (3 Queen Street) – All Saints, Poowong (Main St)... read more

Lakes Entrance & Metung
Rector | The Reverend Colin Oakley |
Church Address | 11 Church St, Lakes Entrance 3909 |
Postal Address | PO Box 151, Lakes Entrance 3909 |
Mobile | 0411 393 009 |
colinoakleyrevd@gmail.com | |
Assistant Priest Aboriginal Ministry | The Reverend Canon Aunty Phyllis Andy |
Phone | 0436 444 238 |
phyllisandyoo@gmail.com | |
Honorary Deacon | The Reverend Sue Newcombe |
Phone | 0419 871 955 |
sjnln78@gmail.com | |
Opportunity Shop | “NicholasJohn”, St Nicholas Church Hall, Lakes Entrance 3909 |
Phone | Ken Grady - 0419 585 404 |
8.45 am at St John’s Metung and 10.30 am at St Nicholas’ Lakes Entrance. St Nicholas, Lakes Entrance (11 Church St) – St John, Metung (Stirling Rd) Carols and Readings’ Sunday December 20, 6pm at St Nic…... read more

Rector | Archdeacon Graham Knott |
Church Address | 2 Bruce Street, Leongatha 3953 |
Postal Address | PO Box 271, Leongatha 3953 |
Mobile | 0490 045 581 |
rectorleongatha1@bigpond.com | |
Associate Priest | The Reverend Belinda Seabrook |
Phone | 0438 622 721 |
ministryleongatha@gmail.com | |
Assistant Curate | The Reverend Damien King |
Phone | 0479 171 764 |
damienk.ministry@gmail.com | |
Office Email | leonanglican@dcsi.net.au |
Office Phone | (03) 5662 2055 |
Opportunity Shop | ‘St Peter’s Opportunity Shop’, 6 Bruce Street, Leongatha 3953 |
Website | http://leongathaanglican.org |
St Peter, Leongatha (2 Bruce Street) – St David, Meeniyan (Geale St) – St Andrew, Dumbalk (Miller St) – St Andrew, (Union Church) Tarwin Lower (River Rd)... read more

Rector | The Revd Dr Tim Gaden |
Church Address | 16 Church Street, Maffra 3860 |
Postal Address | PO Box 32, Maffra 3860 |
Mobile | 0488 110 415 |
tim.gaden@gippslandanglicans.org.au | |
Office Phone | (03) 5147 1056 |
Office Email | maffraanglican@gmail.com |
Opportunity Shop | ‘St J’s’, 69 Johnson Street, Maffra 3860 |
St John, Maffra (16 Church St) – St George, Boisdale (Main St)... read more

Mirboo North
Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Belinda Seabrook |
Church Address | 114 Ridgway, Mirboo North 3871 |
Postal Address | PO Box 36, Mirboo North 3871 |
Phone | (03) 5668 1346 |
Mobile | 0438 622 721 |
belindaseabrookrevd@gmail.com |
St Mary, Mirboo North (114 Ridgway)... read more

Rector-Elect | The Reverend Giles Motisi |
Church Address | 47 South Street, Moe 3825 |
Postal Address | PO Box 224, Moe 3825 |
Parish Office | (03) 5127 1119 |
moenewboroughanglicanparish@gmail.com | |
Opportunity Shop | Moe Anglican, 7 Anzac Street, Moe 3825 |
St Luke, Moe (47 South Street), St Aidan, Newborough (111 Torres Street) – St James, Yallourn North (2 Reserve St) – St Thomas, Erica (2 Main Rd) – St John, Walhalla (Church Hill Rd)... read more
Rector | Archdeacon Sue Jacka |
Church Address | 6 Latrobe Road, Morwell 3840 |
Postal Address | PO Box 156, Morwell 3840 |
Mobile | 0409 757 170 |
suejacka@outlook.com | |
Associate Priest Aboriginal Ministry | The Reverend Kathy Dalton |
Mobile | 0459 492 080 |
kathleendalton505@yahoo.com | |
Parish Website | https://www.stmarysmorwell.com/ |
Office Phone | (03) 4109 1423 |
Office Email | morwellanglican@outlook.com |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Fossick and Find’, 72 George Street, Morwell 3840 |
Opportunity Shop Phone | (03) 4120 0840 |
Opportunity Shop Email | fossickandfind1@gmail.com |
https://www.facebook.com/stmarysmorwell/ |
St Mary, Morwell (6 Latrobe Road)... read more
Nar Nar Goon (Episcopal District)
Priest-in-Charge | Vacant |
Church Address | Main Street, Nar Nar Goon 3812 |
Postal Address | PO Box 131, Nar Nar Goon 3812 |
Opportunity Shop | ‘The Posh Shop’, Longwarry/Nar Nar Goon & Seven Mile Road, Nar Nar Goon |
St John, Nar Nar Goon (Main Street)... read more

Neerim South
Minister-in-Charge | The Revd Gospel Ralte (UCA) |
Church Address | Main Road, Neerim South 3831 |
Postal Address | PO Box 186, Neerim South 3831 |
Mobile | 0451 417 446 |
Opportunity Shop | St Johns Op Shop, Main Road, Neerim South 3831 |
Co-operating Churches – St John, Neerim South (Main Road) – St James, Buln Buln (Station St) – St Andrew, Noojee (Henty St)... read more

Honorary Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Thelma Langshaw |
Church Address | 6 Sebastopol Hill Road, Omeo 3898 |
Postal Address | Christ Church, Omeo 3898 |
Phone | (03) 5159 1240 |
Mobile | 0428 458 367 |
gburston@skymesh.com.au | |
Opportunity Shop | Sebastopol Hill Road, Omeo 3898 |
ChristChurch, Omeo (6 Sebastopol Hill Road) – St Paul, Benambra (McFarlane St) – Union Church, Ensay (Great Alpine Rd)... read more

Honorary Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Bevil Lunson |
Church Address | 28 Browning Street, Orbost 3888 |
Postal Address | PO Box 77, Orbost 3888 |
Phone | (03) 5154 2694 |
Mobile | 0417 355 930 |
blunson@midnight.net.au | |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Trash and Treasure’, 151 Nicholson Street, Orbost 3888 |
St James, Orbost (28 Browning Street)... read more

Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Dennis Webster |
Church Address | 35 Newlands Drive, Paynesville 3880 |
Postal Address | PO Box 333, Paynesville 3880 |
Phone | (03) 4104 0754 |
Mobile | 0418 145 627 |
paynesvillerector@duck.com |
St Peter’s by the Lake, Paynesville (35 Newlands Drive)... read more

Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Lyndon Phillips |
Church Address | 55-59 Albert Street, Rosedale 3847 |
Postal Address | PO Box 194, Rosedale 3847 |
Phone | (03) 5199 2995 |
Mobile | 0407 853 192 |
lyndonphillips@aapt.net.au | |
Opportunity Shop | ‘St Mark’s’, Mechanics Hall, Princes Highway, Rosedale 3847 |
St Mark, Rosedale (55-59 Albert Street) – St Paul, Gormandale (Gormandale-Rosedale Rd) – ChristChurch, Carrajung (Stitchling St)... read more

Dean | The Very Reverend Keren Terpstra |
Church Address | 149 Cunninghame Street, Sale 3850 |
Postal Address | PO Box 691, Sale 3850 |
Phone | (03) 5144 2020 |
Mobile | 0438 220 878 |
KerenT@gippslandanglicans.org.au | |
Associate Priest | The Reverend Heather Toms |
Mobile | 0400 512 217 |
mhtoms@westnet.com.au | |
Honourary Deacon | The Reverend Kate Campbell |
Mobile | 0402 514 829 |
katec@gippsanglican.org.au | |
Honourary Priest | The Reverend Brian Norris |
Mobile | 0418 633 446 |
briannorris1@bigpond.com | |
Website | http://www.stpaulssale.org.au/ |
Office Phone | (03) 5144 2020 |
Office Email | office@stpaulssale.org.au |
St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale (149 Cunningham St) -St Alban’s, Kilmany (340 Settlement Road) – St Mark’s Anglican and Community Church, Loch Sport (229 National Park Road - next to Community Health Cent…... read more

Priest-in-Charge | The Reverend Brian Norris |
Church Address | 11 Church Street, Bruthen 3885 |
Postal Address | PO Box 29, Bruthen 3885 |
Mobile | 0418 633 446 |
briannorris1@bigpond.com | |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Ye Olde Op Shop’, Main Street, Bruthen 3885 |
https://www.facebook.com/TamboAnglican |
St Matthew, Bruthen (11 Church Street) – St Mary, Buchan (Main Rd) – St Columb, Swan Reach... read more

Rector | The Reverend Dr Dean Spalding |
Church Address | Cnr Contingent & Church Streets, Trafalgar 3824 |
Postal Address | PO Box 20, Trafalgar 3824 |
Parish mobile | 0493 088 370 |
Rector's Mobile | 0421 216 825 |
Rector's Email | dean.s@tap.org,au |
Parish Email | info@trafalgaranglicanparish.org.au |
Opportunity Shop | Church St, Trafalgar 3824 |
St Mary Magdalene, Trafalgar (Cnr Contingent & Church Streets) – St Mark, Yarragon (Meeting currently at St David’s, 9 Campbell Street Yarragon) – St Mark, Thorpdale (Crn Robinson & Johnstone St)... read more

Rector | The Reverend Gradwell Fredericks |
Church Address | 106 Grey Street, Traralgon 3844 |
Postal Address | PO Box 303, Traralgon 3844 |
Phone | (03) 5174 2045 |
Mobile | 0480 597 317 |
frgradwell@gmail.com | |
Office Phone | (03) 5174 2045 |
Office Email | admin.stjames@bigpond.com |
Opportunity Shop | 'Seek And You Will Find', 43 Franklin Street, Traralgon 3844 |
Website | http://traralgonanglican.org.au |
https://www.facebook.com/SaintJamesTraralgon |
St James, Traralgon (106 Grey Street) – St John, Glengarry (Railway Ave) – St David, Toongabbie (Victoria St) – St Stephen, Traralgon South (Crn Cats & Keith Morgan Drs)... read more

Rector | The Reverend Daniel Gebert |
Church Address | 96 Victoria Street, Warragul 3820 |
Postal Address | PO Box 286, Warragul 3820 |
Church Office | (03) 5622 3503 |
Mobile | 0431 961 816 |
minister@warragulanglican.org.au | |
Office Email | office@warragulanglican.org.au |
Website | http://warragulanglican.org.au/ |
St Paul, Warragul (96 Victoria Street) – Union Church St Luke, Ellinbank (Crn Hazeldean Rd & Korumburra St)... read more

Westernport (Episcopal District)
Priest-in-Charge | Vacant |
Church Address | 6 Whitstable Street, Lang Lang 3984 |
Postal Address | PO Box 22, Lang Lang 3984 |
Mobile | 0422 247 790 |
Phone | (03) 5997 5440 |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Georgies Op Shop’, Smythe Street, Corinella 3984 |
St John, Lang Lang (6 Whitstable Street) – Co-operating Churches (Uniting/Anglican) Koo Wee Rup (348 Rossiter Rd) St George, Corinella (24 Smythe St) ... read more

Wonthaggi / Inverloch
Rector | The Reverend Graeme Liersch |
Mobile | 0417 513 390 |
Email (click for link) | captgraeme@outlook.com.au |
Deacon (Youth and Families Minister) | The Reverend Susan Liersch |
Phone | 0427 099 391 |
sliers0150@gmail.com | |
Website (click for link) | www.basscoastanglican.org.au |
Office Email (click for link) | admin@basscoastanglican.org.au |
Church Address | 1-3 Haglethorn Street, Wonthaggi 3995 |
Postal Address | PO Box 201, Wonthaggi 3995 |
Phone | (03) 5672 4590 |
St George, Wonthaggi (1-3 Hagelthorn St) The Church of the Ascension, Inverloch (4 The Crescent) ... read more

Priests-in-Charge | The Rev'ds Jenny and Tony Wicking |
Email (Jenny) | jenny.wicking@outlook.com |
Mobile (Jenny) | 0407 369 486 |
Email (Tony) | tony.wicking@me.com |
Mobile (Tony) | 0414 316 258 |
Church Address | 95 Commercial Road, Yarram 3971 |
Postal Address | PO Box 3, Yarram 3971 |
Phone | (03) 5182 5117 |
Opportunity Shop | ‘Twice Blessed’, 192 Commercial Road, Yarram 3971 |
Holy Trinity, Yarram (95 Commercial Road) Christ Church, Tarraville (Tyers St) St John, Port Albert (Raglan St) ... read more