St Peter, Leongatha (2 Bruce Street) – St David, Meeniyan (Geale St) – St Andrew, Dumbalk (Miller St) – St Andrew, (Union Church) Tarwin Lower (River Rd)
Main Information
Rector | Archdeacon Graham Knott |
Church Address | 2 Bruce Street, Leongatha 3953 |
Postal Address | PO Box 271, Leongatha 3953 |
Mobile | 0490 045 581 |
rectorleongatha1@bigpond.com | |
Associate Priest | The Reverend Belinda Seabrook |
Phone | 0438 622 721 |
ministryleongatha@gmail.com | |
Assistant Curate | The Reverend Damien King |
Phone | 0479 171 764 |
damienk.ministry@gmail.com | |
Office Email | leonanglican@dcsi.net.au |
Office Phone | (03) 5662 2055 |
Opportunity Shop | ‘St Peter’s Opportunity Shop’, 6 Bruce Street, Leongatha 3953 |
Website | http://leongathaanglican.org |

Service times:
St Peter’s, Leongatha:
Sunday Services (followed by morning tea)
- 8am Holy Communion
- 10am Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays, (other Sundays All Age Worship or Prayer, Praise and Proclamation)
- 11am Holy Communion (with morning tea at 10.30am)
St Andrew’s, Dumbalk:
- 7:30pm – First Friday – Holy Communion or Evening Prayer
St David’s, Meeniyan:
- 7:30pm – Third Friday – Holy Communion or Evening Prayer
- Home Fellowship Service: 7:00pm Third Tuesday (contact the office for venue)
St Andrew’s, Tarwin Lower:
Combined Anglican and Uniting church congregation, led alternately by each denomination
- 10:30am – Second and Third Sunday – Holy Communion
- 10:30am – First, Fourth and Fifth Sunday – Morning Prayer