St Paul, Warragul (96 Victoria Street) – Union Church St Luke, Ellinbank (Crn Hazeldean Rd & Korumburra St)
Main Information
Rector | The Reverend Daniel Gebert |
Church Address | 96 Victoria Street, Warragul 3820 |
Postal Address | PO Box 286, Warragul 3820 |
Church Office | (03) 5622 3503 |
Mobile | 0431 961 816 |
minister@warragulanglican.org.au | |
Office Email | office@warragulanglican.org.au |
Website | http://warragulanglican.org.au/ |

St Paul's Warragul
| Service times:
- 8 am Traditional Holy Communion Service at St Paul's
- 9.45 am - Contemporary Service including children's program at St Paul's. Live streamed and available on YouTube.
Contemporary Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays
Worship and Word 2nd and 4th Sundays