Gippsland Anglicans supports many priority ministries and missions. Scroll down this page to find out more.
Aboriginal Ministry
Your financial gift directly supports Aboriginal priests in Gippsland to care for the spiritual health of families and communities across the Diocese.
Please give now at Aboriginal Ministry.
Read more about this ministry on our website.
You can invite other people to give to Aboriginal Ministry by using the downloadable labels, below. Print double-sided on A4 paper, and cut along the grey dotted lines. Attach to your produce (lemons, apples, rhubarb, jam, honey, silverbeet, etc) and share with your church community.

Anglican Earthcare Gippsland Inc.
ABN 27906493475
Your financial gift to this registered charity supports environmental programs led by The Abbey, Raymond Island, VIC. Visit the website for more information.
St Paul’s Cathedral Sale Music Foundation Trust
ABN 41695239960
The St Paul’s Cathedral Sale Music Foundation Trust was launched by Dean Susanna Pain on Sunday 21 November 2021. The Trustees, together with Dean Keren Terpstra, are delighted to invite you to consider an interest in the Trust in some of the following ways:
- Prayer
- Offer of musical gifts
- Offer of assistance for fundraising
- Offer of practical assistance for events
- Offer of financial gifts
- Application for a Grant
To contact the Dean: 03 5144 2020 Bank Account Details for financial gifts: St Paul’s Cathedral Sale Music Foundation Trust Bendigo Bank 633 000 Account 188 720 296 Ref: Gift to SPCSMFT from………

Modowa Institute (fromerly the Newton Theological College), Popondetta, Papua New Guinea
Your financial gift supports students and their families to access basic needs including healthcare, food and clothing.
Donations can be made by direct giving: BSB: 705 077 Acc: 00040720 Ref: Popondetta
Find out more about this ministry on our website where Bishop Jeffrey Driver speaks about his connection with Popondetta or visit the institutes website: