Susanna Pain
Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, Sale
Susanna studied Theology at St Mark’s in Canberra and was ordained Deacon in Canberra in 1989, and priest in Adelaide in 1992. Before ordination, Susanna worked as a social worker in Adoptions and Foster Care, with Migrants and Refugees, and in Parish Community Development, and Hospital Social Work. She has spent almost 26 years as a parish priest in rural and suburban Australia, in Adelaide, Sydney, Cowra and Canberra, and has also worked as industrial chaplain and university chaplain. She was Rector of the vibrant Holy Covenant Anglican Church in Canberra for nine years, where she facilitated employing a Holistic Care Nurse, Youth Worker, and Children’s Worker, and setting up a Day Hospice. For the past twelve months, she has been working part-time at The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Charles Sturt University, as Associate Director, Liturgy, The Arts and Spiritual Care, alongside her work in spiritual direction, leading Christian Meditation, supervision and running retreats, and worshipping with The Celebration Community in Karrabar, Queanbeyan. All her work is undergirded by prayer. She is passionate about Jesus, who says ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10 She is married to Nikolai and enjoys playing with cat Jacque, and grandchildren Izzy, Reuben, Isaac and Jerry, walking in the bush, reading and sharing meals with friends. Nikolai is an ordained Anglican Priest currently working as Chaplain and Head of Religious and Values Education at Radford College in Canberra where he leads a Philosophy Club and Christian Group, as well as a Film and Theology Discussion. He has just embarked on a PhD with Bangor University in Wales in the Faculty of Philosophy and Religion. Susanna serves as the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral in Sale.