Year of the Gutter
June 10th, 2021

The Registry has been able to obtain a commercial gutter cleaning vacuum to provide parishes and other ministry centres with an opportunity to clean their gutters easily, safely and for free. We aim to make the vacuum available in each Archdeanery for three months of the year. A range of user guides and video resources are available on the Gippsland Anglican YouTube channel and the Gippsland Anglican website to make it easier for parish to make use of this initiative, once it is available from the beginning of July 2021. Parishes are encouraged to make use of this resource to significantly reduce insurance premium excess costs, which should in turn lead to reduced insurance costs to parishes over time. Parishes wishing to have early access to the vacuum are encouraged to make contact directly with Richard Connelly at
The video guides published to date include: Video A - Vacuum Unit Assembly Guide Video B - Setting up the extension poles Video C - SkyVac Camera and Monitor setup Video D - SkyVac Operations Guide Year of the Gutter Initiative