Op Shop Workshop to be held in Drouin - 30 October 2017
October 16th, 2017
A workshop for those who run Op Shops in the Diocese will be held at Christ Church Drouin on Monday 30 October 2017 commencing at 10.00am. Participants will hear about how other op shops are managed together with the many issues and challenges associated with running these local church enterprises. The host for the day will be Pauline Davies, manager of the Anglican Op Shop in Drouin. It is expected that Bishop Kay Goldsworthy will open the workshop. The draft program for the day is as follows:
9.30am Tea/Coffee (available throughout the workshop)
10.00am Welcome to the Parish and Prayer – The Rev’d Dr Dean Spalding
10.15am The importance of Op Shops and administrative, financial and legal issues – Brian Norris, Diocesan Registrar
10.45am Op Shops present make presentations on their operation: size, the community they serve, recruitment of volunteers, issues.
11.30am Break
11.50pm Previous session continues
12.30pm General Forum – Issues, the future
1.00pm Meeting Closure & Lunch
Bookings may be made at the link below.