MU and me: “My life without MU would certainly be poorer”
June 1st, 2022

As Mothers’ Union groups across the Diocese begin to meet again, some MU members are offering encouraging stories about why and how they joined. Here, Gwyneth Jones (pictured right) shares her story.
I joined this worldwide movement of Mothers’ Union (MU) in July 2014. I had moved from St Kilda to Moe and was really a lapsed Christian. The assistant priest knocked on the door; he held a pamphlet called A Is for Anglicanism. I invited him in and we had a chat. Later I read the pamphlet, which made me turn up at church; I joined a Bible study group and I was overwhelmed by everything they seemed to know. Gradually my boys joined Church of England Boys’ Society and the choir, and I joined the Ladies Guild and became a parish council member.
While aware of the MU branch in my parish, I had very little idea of who or what they represented. It just seemed part of the furniture. I sometimes wondered why I was never invited but maybe it was because I was divorced.
I think I was curious – something was going on in my church and I wanted to know what it was. I invited myself and was certainly made welcome.
Over the years I’ve enjoyed finding out more about the organisation. I found out that it was a worldwide organisation and that it was Anglican. I was surprised that it wasn’t in every Anglican Church, like Morning Prayer or Communion. It interested me that it wasn’t just about local things but also world issues. Since being involved I have been fortunate to attend conferences interstate and in New Zealand, and to broaden my contacts with other MU members.
I’m currently the President of the Moe-Newborough Branch after doing a stint as secretary. I’m also a member of theGippsland Executive in the position of Promotion and Development Officer. As part of this role I thoroughly enjoy visiting and encouraging branches and getting to know members and their issues better. Gippsland Executive in the position of Promotion and Development Officer. As part of this role I thoroughly enjoy visiting and encouraging branches and getting to know members and their issues better.
My life without MU would certainly be poorer and I would have little or no opportunity to be part of a worldwide organisation improving life for families. I hope to continue encouraging people to join MU.