The Revd Canon Dr Fran Grimes appointed as Rector of the Parish of Corner Inlet
June 16th, 2024

The Revd Canon Dr Fran Grimes has accepted the invitation to serve as Rector of the Parish of Corner Inlet.
Fran is well known to Gippsland Anglicans as Priest-in-Charge of Korumburra / Poowong since 2017. Fran will be sorely missed as the leader of that faith community, even as the good people of All Saints’ and St Paul’s give thanks for her ministry and pray blessings on her onward journey.
Fran was made a Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, in 2021, and Anglican Chaplain to Fish Creek Union Church in 2020. With over twelve years of experience in ordained ministry – including, for a season, at Corner Inlet – Fran is well placed to work with Anglicans and ecumenical partners in Foster, Hedley, Toora, and Fish Creek, as they continue their outreach to these local communities in the Southern Region of our Diocese, with which she has deep connections. As Fran explains:
"I have had a life-long association with South Gippsland, since coming to Sandy Point with my family as a child and teenager for holidays and long university breaks. It was on one of these occasions that I committed my life to following Jesus. As the third and youngest child I followed Dad into medicine. Since making an adult Christian commitment in my early university years I have always been involved in local church ministry, through music, leading youth groups, and Bible studies.
"Twenty-seven years ago my husband Michael and I moved to Fish Creek with our two daughters, Jessica and Kirra, and we built a mud-brick house on 3.5 acres overlooking Waratah Bay and Wilson’s Prom. I worked in General Practice for 25 years in Foster, Toora, and Tarwin Lower Medical Centres, and whilst there I began to feel God’s call on my life to explore new ministries in the church. This led to me being ordained a deacon in 2012 and a priest in 2014. To begin with, I took up positions as Honorary Parish Deacon then Honorary Associate Priest in Corner Inlet, and facilitated worship at Fish Creek Union Church.
"Michael passed away on New Year’s Day 2016 after a year-long battle with cancer. Since 2017 I have been Priest-in-Charge of Korumburra / Poowong Parish – a time which has shown me that God will lead and grow the church as we follow His leading step by step.
"I am passionate about seeing families and young people coming to know the love of God and be welcomed into the church. I love the local churches of this region and their people, and I see the potential of these communities to bring the love and presence of Jesus into a world in such need of Good News."
Corner Inlet has been beautifully cared for by retired former Incumbent and resident Locum Priest, The Revd Neil Thompson, and we are deeply grateful to Neil, and Sue, and to Lay Readers and lay leaders of the Parish for their faithful ministries while the Clergy Appointments Advisory Board has been doing its work.
We expect Fran’s Induction to be in early August, and will confirm those details as soon as possible. In the meantime, please keep her in your prayers, along with the people of Korumburra / Poowong and Corner Inlet.