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Four New Appointments to the Diocesan Staff team

March 19th, 2025

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings as we deepen our Lenten journey.

I’m delighted to announce a new Archdeacon, two new Regional Deans, and an Associate Regional Dean to join Vicar General Graham Knott, Dean Keren Terpstra, and Regional Dean Lyndon Phillips on the diocesan staff team.

I am enormously grateful to these four already busy people for accepting my invitation to take up important additional ministries. I am also thankful for the collegiality of outgoing Archdeacon Sue Jacka, and Graham, Keren, Lyndon, and others, who have reflected deeply on the optimal diocesan staff structure to meet our current needs, and engaged in discernment with me as to who might be being called and equipped for such offices of pastoral leadership.

So as not to burden Regional and Associate Regional Deans with ‘portfolios’, and to release them for their service to and with you, Regional Deans will not be co-opted onto BiC (though they may of course be elected by Synod), nor will they attend every (monthly) diocesan staff meeting, Lyndon being an exception.

Fran, Daniel and Sue will join in – on average – every second meeting, when the focus will be on pastoral care and clergy wellbeing. They will be available to you, and to consult with me and the diocesan staff team in relation to strategic planning and diocesan activities and events. Their local connections and wise counsel will be a great asset to us all in these and other services they will no doubt contribute to our life and work in the months and years ahead.

It is anticipated that John will be collated, and Sue, Fran, and Daniel commissioned, at the Synod Eucharist in St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday evening, 16 May. In the meantime they will start to exercise their new responsibilities as appropriate, and seek your prayers as they prepare to serve in these capacities.

Be assured of my prayers for you as we enter into the mystery of our Lord’s Passion. Grace and peace,

The Rt Revd Dr Richard Treloar

Bishop of Gippsland

The Revd John Webster – Archdeacon

John has become a valued colleague since he and Phillippa moved to Drouin. He is a member of the Safe Ministry Authority and the Diocesan Vocations Group, with particular responsibility for those in Discernment. Whilst John happens to serve in the Western Region, his archidiaconal service will – as does Graham’s and did Sue Jacka’s before him – extend across the Diocese. Reflecting on this new ministry John writes:

"I have enjoyed the privilege of being Rector of Drouin, and thus part of the Gippsland diocesan family, for almost two years. Since coming to Australia in 2006 I have been the parish priest of Tallangatta and then Rutherglen in Wangaratta Diocese, followed by Surfcoast and Croydon in Melbourne Diocese. Prior to that I was ordained as a non-stipendiary priest in Oxford, and served in a benefice of three, then six, parishes in Berkshire, UK. My journey to ordination started among suburban parishes in Cape Town, South Africa, as a server, youth group leader, chorister, and lay reader. I’m looking forward to bringing to my new role as Archdeacon not only my life-long experience in the church, but also my career experience as a business analyst. I hope to serve both the diocesan staff team and the parishes effectively, as together we help grow God’s kingdom in Gippsland."

The Revd Canon Dr Fran Grimes – Regional Dean of the Southern Region

Fran is well known to us in Gippsland, serving as Priest-in-Charge of Korumburra / Poowong since 2017, and from August last year as Rector of Corner Inlet. Fran was made a Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, in 2021, and is thus ex officio a member of Greater Chapter. She has long and deep connections in the Southern Region of our Diocese, where she ministered in General Practice for some 25 years prior to sensing a call to holy orders. Fran’s honorary role will be primarily pastoral within the Southern Region, assisting with Deanery meetings and helping local colleagues to connect for mutual encouragement and support.

The Revd Daniel Gebert – Regional Dean of the Western Region

Daniel has quickly made a home in the Diocese, and in the Parish of Warragul, since his Induction as Rector a little over a year ago. A highlight in this time has been, with staff and lay leaders, moving a number of parish goals from vision to action, including pastoral care, evangelism, and social outreach. He and Rose and their family have also been getting involved in the local community. Daniel’s participation in the ministry of music and his encouragement of youth ministry within and beyond the Parish are among the skills and passions he brings to the team, and he has recently been appointed to the Finance Committee of Bishop in Council. Like Fran, Daniel’s role is honorary and will be mostly local and pastoral.

The Revd Sue Newcombe – Associate Regional Dean in the Eastern Region

The Eastern Region is our largest, geographically, and alongside long-serving Regional Dean Lyndon Phillips – who continues in that capacity and also carries diocesan responsibilities, including as a member of Bishop-in-Council – Sue will share some of the pastoral ministry to clerical colleagues in the east, and especially in the farther eastern parts of the Diocese. To what is also an honorary role, Sue brings her experience as a Lay Reader in Trafalgar and as Parish Deacon in Lakes Entrance / Metung, where she lives with husband David and their two Cavaliers. Sue has a heart for aged care, creative liturgy, and intentional Christian community.