The Revd Colin Oakley to be Rector of the Parish of Lakes Entrance / Metung
November 12th, 2024

The Rev’d Colin Oakley to be Rector of the Parish of Lakes Entrance / Metung
Colin has been Priest-in-Charge of Westernport these last eight years, and is known to many as a priest with a pastoral heart and a desire to equip God’s people for their ministry of sharing the gospel in word and action. For those Gippsland Anglicans who may not know him so well, Colin writes:
"I am married to Anthea – a teacher and tutor extraordinaire. We have two children, Helen (a police officer) and James (a baker), four grandchildren, Stefan (13), Zackary (10), Paige (7) and Charlie (4), and two dogs, Layla and Miles.
I was born in England in the 1960s. Due to the labour struggles there we moved to Melbourne in 1966. Dad was a traditional solid plasterer and worked on projects like Lady Jane’s Chapel in Leicester and Collins Place in Melbourne. His company was one of the best in Victoria. I followed in his footsteps, but working for Dad was ‘too much of a good thing’ so I went out on my own until Dad decided to come and work for me – it seems there was no escape!
In addition to plastering, I have studied geology at RMIT and theology at Ridley College. I also was in sales and estimating in multicolour printing. My interests range from guitar (and what some kindly refer to as singing!), drawing, reading, and Tai Chi (I was an instructor for about 25 years).
In the church, prior to ordination, I have been involved in Alpha and other faith and discipleship courses, in intercession ministry, music, youth ministry, helping out in the Op shop, lay reading, running evening services – whatever needed doing, really. Since 2016 I have been Priest in Charge at Westernport. I have a passion for encouraging people to continually go deeper in their relationship with the Lord, to have a willingness and the courage to ask questions – even awkward ones – to be able to read Scripture well and trust in God’s will."
The Revd Dr Sallyanne Hart has been the long-term Locum Priest at Lakes / Metung since June 2022, and has given above and beyond in this capacity, supported more recently by Honorary Parish Deacon, The Revd Sue Newcombe, and throughout this period by the Lay Readers and lay leaders of the Parish. Sallyanne’s faithful and fruitful ministry will be acknowledged locally on 24 November, ahead of an early December Induction for Colin, with further details pending.
Please pray for the people of Westernport at this time, for Colin and Anthea in transition, and for Sallyanne, Sue, and the people of Lakes / Metung as new ministries unfold in God’s good providence.