Cathedral Service for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
October 30th, 2021

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
On the back of some wild weather in the region in recent days, we trust that this pre-recorded Eucharist for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost may offer some respite, and rest, just whenever and from wherever you may be connecting with us.
The Revd Tony Wicking preaches on the gospel for the day, helping us to reflect – among other things – on the blessings for ourselves and those around us of slowing down and making time to render to God those things that are God’s…
Dean Susanna presides at the Eucharist, and we are conscious that we only have the gift of her leadership in these online offerings for a few weeks more.
Those who were unable to participate in last Sunday’s livestreamed Evensong, when as a Diocese we thanked and farewelled Dean Susanna Pain and The Revd Nikolai Blaskow, might like to view the recording of that service (with thanks to Christine Morris for technical ministries), at which we also installed three new canons of the Cathedral. You can do so via the diocesan website, or at The acknowledgement of Susanna and Nikolai’s ministry begins at 56:25…
For this Sunday’s recording David Perryman is behind the camera and at the lectern, the Registrar has been behind the editing desk, and – as always – Cathedral Sacristan Brenda Elford has had everything in readiness for our celebration of the holy mysteries.
In our prayers at this time, as well as the people, places and activities upheld in the intercessions for this service, we bring the developing situation in Sudan before the throne of grace, praying for all caught up in the violence and civil strife, and all who seek to bring peace or relief in the midst of that conflict.
May our worship this All Hallows’ Eve, whatever form it takes, deepen our sense of solidarity with all in need, deepen our awareness of the image of God in ourselves and each other, and deepen our communion around the altar-table with those who have gone before us in faith, and hope, and love, and who now worship with saints and angels and all the company of heaven.
Grace and peace, +Richard