Bishop Jeffrey Driver appointed Priest in Charge of Paynesville
May 3rd, 2020
Congratulations to Bishop Jeffrey Driver who will commence a new ministry in the Diocese on 1 May, as Priest in Charge of the Parish of Paynesville! Bishop Jeffrey served as the tenth Bishop of Gippsland (2001-2005) before being translated to Adelaide as Archbishop. Since returning to Gippsland in ‘retirement’, Bishop Jeffrey has been working as Acting Principal of Newton College, Popondetta, PNG, and Lindy Driver has been involved in several lay ministries at St John’s Bairnsdale. Lindy and Bishop Jeffrey have built a home at Eagle Point, in the Parish of Paynesville, and – when not ministering in PNG or as Intentional Locum at Yarram – Bishop Jeffrey has been busy building a ‘chook palace’ in the back yard and visiting favourite fishing spots. We uphold Bishop Jeffrey, Lindy and the Parish of Paynesville as they commence this new stage of ministry together.