Ash Wednesday Service from St Pauls Cathedral Sale
February 16th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As we begin our Lenten journey in strange circumstances, we are pleased to offer this pre-recorded service from St Paul’s cathedral to you and your people.
You may like to invite those with whom you share it to makes some ashes at home – perhaps from an old palm cross or two, burned and ground up – and to self-impose the sign of the cross on their foreheads at the point at which Dean Susanna and I do so in the attached file, using the words: ‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.’
As we wait for further advice from the Premier’s office regarding the duration of the current lockdown it is difficult to make plans for the observance of this important day in the calendar locally. I hope that this offering gives you a resource to use on the day, in addition to whatever else may be possible in your context and in the days following Ash Wednesday.
We are grateful as always to the Cathedral Parish, to Dave Perryman and Richard Connelly for technical services rendered, and to Ann Miller for recording this liturgy on Monday morning.
Enjoy any arrangements you may have made for a virtual pancake sharing, and may your own devotions on Wednesday lay the foundation for a holy Lent and a joyful celebration of the Paschal Mysteries to come.
Grace and peace, +Richard