8th Sunday after Pentecost
July 17th, 2021

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This Eucharist for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost was recorded from the Chapel of Bishopscourt and St Paul’s Cathedral, Sale.
Associate Priest at the Cathedral & Associate Chaplain at Gippsland Grammar, The Revd Nikolai Blaskow, preaches and intercedes at this online service.
We are grateful to Christine Morris for filming at the Cathedral and to the Registrar for editing the separate video files.
During a further period of lockdown, when we are not able to gather for face to face worship, we take comfort in the baptismal covenant that binds us together across time and distance, and in God’s covenant with the frailties and glories of our flesh in the divinely human One.
Our hearts go out to those who are grieving – the families of +Arthur, Tony Peters, and Jim Logan, among others – together with all who are struggling with COVID-related illness, isolation, and loss of income or access to community services.
May our virtual gathering around the throne of grace bring peace and hope, and strengthen us for the days ahead.
Blessings, +Richard