14th Sunday after Pentecost service from St Paul's Cathedral Sale
August 28th, 2021

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings on this Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, on a weekend when we struggle with the news internationally, and ongoing COVID concerns and challenges domestically.
I hope that this pre-recorded Eucharist from St Paul’s Cathedral in Sale brings a sense of hope and comfort to you, wherever you may be worshipping with us online.
The preacher is The Revd Lyn Williams, Associate Priest at the Cathedral, and Dean Susanna Pain is the officiant.
Our thanks to the Revd David Perryman for his camera work, and to the Registrar, Richard Connelly, for editing the video file.
The intercessions include the people of Afghanistan, though being recorded prior to the events we learned of on Friday do not reference the bombings in Kabul, in relation to which you may find the following prayer helpful, composed by Richard Prideaux for the forthcoming edition of The Gippsland Anglican, and reproduced here (and in the attached screenshot) with the blessing of the Editor:
Lord of all time and space and life, we ask you to bring compassion, freedom and safety to the people of Afghanistan, so long divided and bitterly troubled by war and occupation by foreign powers. We pray for its people of many different faiths and cultures that a way may be found for them to live in peace and harmony. We pray that the violence may end, that a way of justice may be forged and that families may be able to live and grow in peace. We pray for the safety of those who have assisted allied forces but have not been evacuated. We pray especially that the rights of Afghan women, so long fought for at great cost, might be maintained and encouraged. We pray also for those who have sought refuge in new lands that they will find peace and a way forward. We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Prince of Peace. Amen
Grace and peace, +Richard